Dynamicode Company Limited



Web Application Acceleration

Today's web applications need to be responsive in order to satisfy users. Web sites are becoming more personalized and interactive with heavier content and if the web pages don't load quickly, users rapidly lose interest and go elsewhere. Caching content close to the users is no longer as effective because of the dynamic content being served from origin by most websites today. Maximizing web performance is essential to every web application whether it is an eCommerce site, B2B portal, a Search site, Video streaming site, social media site or any business with a need for web collaboration. AppEx Learning-Based Acceleration™ reduces page load time, increases user productivity, increases revenue, improves search engine rankings and delivers high-performance web-based services and applications.

Origin acceleration of dynamic content

No user likes a slow web site. Companies lose millions of dollars a year because their web applications are slow and not optimized. The slowness can be caused by many factors including un-optimized web pages, poorly written applications and the shortcomings of TCP and other protocols that are used to deliver data across the Internet. Caching of content close to the users has been used for years to improve on performance but web applications have evolved into interactive personalized web sites that serve lots of dynamic content from origin. Even the caching solutions suffer from last mile latency because they don't control this part of the Internet beyond their network.

AppEx Networks dynamic Learning-Based Acceleration™ enables desktop/laptop/tablet/smartphone users to experience much faster page loads on e-commerce sites, web sites, social networks, online gaming sites, file sharing services, web advertisements, music and video streaming.

Learning-Based Acceleration™ is the only asymmetric web performance acceleration technology with the ability to adapt itself to the unique connection characteristics of every user session. This reduces network congestion, accelerates content delivery and increases web application stability for both servers and clients by increasing TCP connection success rates. This directly addresses the dynamic traffic being delivered from the origin servers as well as the last mile outside of the caching provider networks.

Software Deployment:

Appliances Deployment:

Average wait times and page-loading failures will be significantly reduced. As a result, site visitors can enjoy a much improved user experience which increases revenue and customer loyalty.

With the rapid evolution of high-quality media streaming, network gaming, VoIP, live communications and social media, the demand for dynamic content acceleration has increased. Dynamic content is either un-cacheable for some reason or is generated at the time the content is being served from origin. AppEx dynamic content acceleration capabilities benefit service providers, large organizations, small and medium businesses, bloggers and consumers.

The Case for Origin Acceleration

Why doesn't content caching solve today's web performance problems? To accelerate web content delivery, caching technologies are often employed to store static content physically closer to site visitors, to overcome the impact of latency and packet loss.

Today's websites contain increasingly more personalized pages and dynamic content that cannot be cached. When site visitors are far from the source, extra latency and packet loss significantly deteriorate the TCP connections reducing throughput and even causing failures in page loading.

Statistics also show that more people are now accessing popular websites from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Generally, mobile wireless networks tend to create longer latency and more packet loss because of fading radio signals and constantly changing network conditions.

Although caching can still be useful, dynamic content is becoming more and more important to the overall performance of a web application. The static content delivery from the CDN is usually dependent upon the dynamic content coming from the origin in order to be served in a timely manner. Then there is the dynamic content that is served directly to the user from origin, bypassing the CDN altogether. This is content that is generated uniquely each time or content that is too expensive to serve from a CDN like “long-tail content” for example. AppEx speeds up both types of dynamic origin content which increases the overall speed of the web application. The point of origin could be a customer data center, a laptop or the edge of a Cloud or CDN over the last mile.

Use Cases:

  • Deploy LotWAN or install LotServer in application/web servers to accelerate origin content and complement CDN static edge delivery.
  • Install LotServer in CDN edge servers to accelerate the last mile to end users
  • Stabilize and accelerate video delivery from origin or CDN to end users, especially for long distance users
  • Customer Support portals or Collaboration sites
  • Minimize geographic latency in web applications
  • API interfaces (Application to Application communication)